We are proud that our solutions and ASTRID iHUB have been selected as the global hub for this joint effort. SCEWC23, under the theme “Welcome to the New Urban Era”, will focus on eight main tracks touching the most pressing issues facing cities: Enabling Technologies, Energy & Environment, Mobility, Governance, Living & Inclusion, Economy, Infrastructure & Building and Safety & Security.
The international congress for cities and smart urban solutions took place as part of the Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress, in cooperation with the EIT Urban Mobility, as well as the events Tomorrow.Building and Tomorrow.Blue Economy events.
We were guests of DELL and NVIDIA who offer the best solution and technology for ecosystem implementation.

Cities of the future are thinking about the present. How do we determine what should be promoted and what should be eliminated? What role do people play and how can we create balanced interactions beyond transportation?
All these challenges have led WOBCOM and ASTRID iHUB to think about the smart city of tomorrow, the depopulation of large cities combined with social exclusion, ecology, etc., in order to offer appropriate solutions to the community.