How can cloud adoption be best encouraged in Germany?
At the Connected Germany 2023 Congress on December 5 and 6, 2023 in Munich, I took part in a panel discussion on the role of the cloud in the digital transformation. The theme of the entire congress is building a fast and smart Germany.
For critical applications: TELLUS network independent of the public Internet.
Digital strategies for cloud success Overcoming the challenge of legacy cloud networks and services, both public and private. Our experience in implementing agile networks through the TELLUS project.

In the TELLUS project, we are developing a Gaia-X-compliant interconnection platform with other partners. Über diese Netzwerkinfrastruktur – unabhängig vom öffentlichen Internet, aber dennoch von dessen Infrastruktur gestützt – werden also Anwender und Anbieter von föderierten Cloud-Diensten, also kritischen Anwendungen wie KI-Applikationen, Echtzeitdatenverarbeitung oder verteilte Softwarelösungen, verknüpft. Mit Tellus werden dynamischen Netzwerk Services ermöglicht, wie zum Beispiel Verbindungen mit dynamischen Bandbreiten, geringeren Latenzen, erhöhter Sicherheit und Kontrolle über die eigenen Daten und deren Fluss im Netzwerk. Außerdem werden Multi-und Hybrid-Cloud-Szenarien mit definierten Schnittstellen ermöglicht, die eine Interoperabilität und Portabilität von Daten und Diensten gewährleisten.
The aim is to connect various cloud providers via Internet Exchange and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) with each other as well as with other providers or customers and to form a Gaia-X network infrastructure using integrated software instances and homogeneous interfaces. Users and providers of federated cloud services, i.e. critical applications such as AI applications, real-time data processing or distributed software solutions, are thus linked via this network infrastructure – independent of the public internet, but still supported by its infrastructure.
The aim of the Tellus project is to develop and provide a Gaia-X-compliant networking infrastructure for sensitive applications that uses the existing Internet infrastructure and adds a software layer. A usable prototype for this software-based networking should be available by the end of 2024.

The TELLUS project
As part of GAIA-X, the TELLUS project received the official funding decision from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) for around 8.75 million euros. The funding is part of the funding competition “Innovative and practical applications and data spaces in the GAIA-X digital ecosystem (GAIA-X funding competition)”. The aim of the project is to provide a Gaia-X network infrastructure for critical applications via a Gaia-X-compliant interconnection platform.
This project is funded by the BMWK funding competition “Innovative and practical applications and data spaces in the GAIA-X digital ecosystem”.